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Summer Hazards Part Three Bicycle Safety

by Dixon Law Office

Next up in our series on summer safety for children is another tip to make sure you and your loved ones have a safe and healthy summer. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has released an extensive list of summer safety tips for 2016. Bicycle safety is a top cause of injury, so they offer detailed advice.

Bicycle safety – Helmets protect your child from serious injury and should be worn at all times, no matter how short the bike ride or how close to home, as many accidents happen on sidewalks and driveways and not just on streets. Wearing a helmet at all times helps kids develop the helmet habit. Parents and caregivers should set the example and wear helmets as well, as children learn by observing them. In addition, do not push your child to ride without training wheels until he or she is ready. Also, do not purchase a bike that is too big for your child to “grow into,” as oversized bikes are especially dangerous.

If your child or loved one is involved in a bicycle accident or any accident that causes serious injuries, you need an experienced personal injury attorney to discuss your case. For more than 20 years, our team at Dixon Law Office has handled hundreds of accident cases, helping victims get the compensation they deserve. Call now to schedule a meeting with a lawyer to discuss the specific facts of your injury case at toll-free at 888-354-9880 or click here.

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