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Snow on the Floor

by Dixon Law Office

People living in northern climates know the scene well. There is snow on the ground and people track it into the store. A customer slips and falls, suffering a serious injury.

Today’s question, “can a store be liable for injuries from tracked in snow?”

The answer to the question is maybe. Generally, stores will claim that they have no liability for tracked in snow. While there are cases that say that, there are still many cases in which the store is still liable. Stores – all stores – have a responsibility to keep the floors safe. If the store knows snow is being tracked in, they have a responsibility (lawyers call it a duty) to clean the snow from the floors. The store cannot ignore a dangerous condition.

Many stores with lots of customers, like McDonald’s, have a policy that if there is going to be snow, they are to put out floor mats to prevent customers from falling. Every store should have a similar policy.

If you fell at a store because of snow on the floor, call Dixon Law Office. We have successfully handled several cases where a customer was injured because of snow was on the floor. Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation, and let us review your case today.

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