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Paralyzing Injury

by Dixon Law Office

It is never a good thing to hear your doctor discuss paralysis.  It is, frankly, very scary.  Paralysis means the loss of ability to move some body part.  It might be a finger after a wrist injury.  It might be a foot of leg after a back injury. It might be even more serious, not being able to move your arms, legs, or below the neck.

If you or a loved one has suffered a paralyzing injury, you have lots of questions.  “Will it ever move again?”  Will I ever regain feeling?”  “Will I ever walk again?”  “How will I pay for all the medical treatment I need?”  “How will my family pay for all the bills?”

You need answers.  One place to get some answers is to speak with a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law.  A good personal injury lawyer will be able to give you answers to many of your questions and help you find answers to others.

At Dixon Law Office, we have more than twenty years of experience representing personal injury victims.  We have represented many people who have suffered paralysis or paralyzing injuries.  We can help.  All you need to do is call.  You can reach us at 888-354-9880.  The call is free.  The advice is free.  And if we represent you, there is no fee unless we win.  Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation.

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