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OxyELITE Pro Pulled From Shelves Nationwide After 29 Liver Failure Cases In Hawaii

by Dixon Law Office

The diet pill OxyELITE has been removed from the US market after 29 people reported liver failure after taking the pills. The diet supplement has been sold all over the country. Twenty-nine cases of liver failure for one supplement is a staggering and enormous number. The removal of the supplement from US shelves comes only after the Hawaii Department of Health requested the product be voluntarily removed from retail shelves. The HDOH also asked consumers to stop taking the pills.

Dr. Sarah Park, an epidemiologist with the State of Hawaii said in a statement, “No other supplement or medication has been identified in common among more than two patients.” Hawaii’s Health Director, Loretta Fuddy, said “anyone who develops symptoms such as abdominal pain or discomfort, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea and /or vomiting, and yellow skin or eyes, should consult their doctor immediately.” You can learn more about the recall in the statement released by HDOH.

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