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Medication Errors

by Dixon Law Office

When you loved one is in a nursing home, care facility or hospital, they frequently need medications to help them heal or just to stay alive. A study by the CDC revealed that nearly half of nursing home residents regularly took more than 8 medications. Sadly, every year many people die because of medication errors in a medical facility.

The types of medication errors can vary. For example, a medication too often – say three times a day instead of twice – can lead to overdose in a short period of time. Other times, the wrong medication is given with often-fatal results. Sometimes, no medication is given at all. That can result in no problem for some medications but in others, a missed dose can lead to permanent injury.

What can you do to be sure your loved one is getting the medications he or she needs on time? Most facilities have a Medication Administration Record, called an “MAR.” If you are able to visit, ask to see the MAR and verify the medications are given in the proper dose at the proper time. This can help keep the staff on their toes and encourage them to do their job.

If you believe your loved one has been the victim of a medication error, call Dixon Law Office. They have the experience in all forms of medical cases and are able to tell you exactly what really happened. If something was done wrong, they can force the people responsible to compensate your loved one and get them the compensation the law says they deserve. Call Dixon Law Office today at 888-354-9880 or click here for a review of your case.

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