Anchoring Our World
“I consider trial by jury as the only anchor yet imagined by man by which a government can be held to the principles of its constitution.” Thomas Jefferson. Juries have taken a beating in the last couple decades. Politicians, pundits,Continue reading
Crane Collapse
Aerial cranes are amazing machines. They are able to lift hundreds-of-thousands-of-pounds high into the air and place them delicately into position. When they work well, it looks like a ballet. When they don’t, death and destruction almost always follow. BecauseContinue reading
Does your lawyer return your calls? Does your lawyer answer your questions? Can you reach him or her when you need to? Have you ever wondered why not? The number one complaint clients have about their lawyers is that theContinue reading
Burning Down The House
There is perhaps no disaster more catastrophic than a house fire. The damage to your home, furniture, clothing, and stuff is hard to live with. When a loved one is injured or killed, the catastrophe is much worse. Clients areContinue reading
Scaffolding Injuries
“Scaffolding” is an elevated work platform. In plain English, it is a place to work above the ground. They can be small, just a few inches tall. They can be huge, twenty-or-more stories in the air. They can even hangContinue reading
Elopement Injuries
When a couple elopes, they run away to get married. In a nursing home, if someone elopes, the resident leaves the facility without the knowledge of staff. In nursing homes, elopement is always a bad thing. Patients with mental diseasesContinue reading
Bedsores in Nursing Homes
Bedsores, also called pressure ulcers or pressure sores, are preventable. A pressure ulcer happens when the skin is damaged through friction or lack of oxygen to the skin. So, for example, if your loved one is left in one positionContinue reading
Falls at Work
When you are working, you have the right to expect your workplace is safe. The law requires the ground be safe and free of obstructions. But when it is not, who is at fault if you fall? Most States haveContinue reading
Attacks in a Nursing Home
Keeping your loved one safe is a serious and important responsibility of every nursing home. Sadly, the staff often does a poor job of preventing the most serious dangers, attacks by other residents. Attacks by other residents can occur forContinue reading
Defective Chair No Laughing Matter
When you sit your rump down in a chair, you expect it to hold you. But in some cases, the chair breaks like an old Three Stooges skit. While the fall might initially be both funny and embarrassing, the fallContinue reading