Tips for a Safe July 4th Sun Protection
The Fourth of July means it’s time for trips to the lake or pool, fireworks displays and backyard barbecues. But, it’s also a time that can easily be marred with dangers. Protect your loved ones with the following tips andContinue reading
Tips for a Safe July 4th Water Hazards
Fourth of July weekend means it’s time for trips to the lake or pool, fireworks displays and backyard barbecues. But, it’s also a time that can easily be marred with dangers. Protect your loved ones with the following tips andContinue reading
Tips for a Safe July 4th Fireworks
The Fourth of July means it’s time for trips to the lake or pool, fireworks displays and backyard barbecues. But, it’s also a time that can easily be marred with dangers. Protect your loved ones with the following tips andContinue reading
Most Dangerous Chicago Intersections for Runners
Chicago-area running store Fleet Feet recently released a list of 12 most dangerous intersections in Chicago for runners. The store polled runners using Reddit and Twitter to compile the list. Topping the list is Roosevelt and Union in University Village.Continue reading
June is PTSD Awareness Month
The National Center for PTSD has designated June as PTSD Awareness Month, aiming to spread the word about posttraumatic stress disorder and its effective treatments. After a trauma or life-threatening event, it is common to have reactions such as upsettingContinue reading
Kids and Accidental Gun Deaths
As our nation grieves and mourns the recent loss of life in the Orlando shooting tragedy, it seems gun deaths – both intentional and unintentional – are in the news more and more frequently. And, many of these gun deathsContinue reading
Preventable Injuries Part Three Age 25 to 64
Next up in our series on the National Safety Council’s National Safety Month this June is a look at the leading cause of preventable death for those aged 25 to 64. We are sharing what you should know about preventableContinue reading
Preventable Injuries Part One Infant
As part of the National Safety Council’s National Safety Month this June, the NSC released a report about preventable injuries and the top risks in four different age groups. Preventable injuries are the fourth leading cause of death in theContinue reading
June is National Safety Month
The National Safety Council has designated the month of June as National Safety Month. Efforts focus on reducing the leading causes of injury and death at work, on the roads and in homes and communities. The NSC website is offeringContinue reading
5 Key Facts on Where and When Pedestrian Accidents Occur
Now that the weather outside is sunny and warm, many people are opting to walk to school, work and other places more often. Unfortunately, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), pedestrians were one of the few groupsContinue reading