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Bike Injury When Alone

by Dixon Law Office

Many people exercise alone. You head out solo in the early hours of the morning or after work to fit in a quick run or bike ride when you have some extra time in your schedule. However, as the bike injury victim in this Bicycling magazine article explains, being alone can be disastrous if you end up being seriously injured.

The article’s author is a test director for the magazine, and broke his leg while out on a solo trail ride. His bike slipped and his leg was broken when it hit a rock. He had only told his wife the general area where he was riding, it would soon be dark, and it was spring and he had no jacket with him. He screamed out, and luckily, someone answered. The person used the victim’s phone to call 911, and fire and rescue crews soon arrived. He was lucky, but when you head out alone to exercise, keep these tips in mind: carry a charged mobile phone; use the buddy system and exercise with a friend when possible; and communicate clearly exactly where you will be by writing it down where someone can find the information along with expected start and finish times – and don’t deviate from your plan.

If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a bicycle or car accident, you need an experienced personal injury attorney to review your case to see if any negligence has occurred. For more than 20 years, our team at Dixon Law Office has helped hundreds of injury victims get the compensation they deserve. Contact us at toll-free at 888-354-9880, or click here for a free consultation.

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