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Bicycles Riding on Roads – Is Right Right?

Posted on Categories Bike Accidents, Children, Young Adults

by Dixon Law Office

As young children, we are taught to ride our bikes on the right side of the road.  Generally that is the right answer but not always.  “Most States have laws that allow bicycles to ride in other places at certain times,” said G. Grant Dixon III, founder of Dixon Law Office and an avid cyclist.  For example, the Illinois Motor Vehicle Code requires bikes to ride on the right side of the road only when moving slower than the normal speed of traffic.  625 Ill.Comp.Stat. § 5/11-1505.  If the bicyclist is passing someone, preparing to make a left turn, or avoid something in the road, the bike can operate anywhere in the lane.  Grant concluded, “Motorists often ignore cyclists and that usually ends badly for the cyclists.”

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed in a bicycle accident, please email us or call our office at (888) 354-9880 to schedule an appointment with an experienced bicycle accident attorney.   We are here to help you get the compensation you and your family deserve.

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